



贾贞,教授,硕士生导师,武汉大学计算数学专业理学硕士。研究方向为复杂网络、混沌控制与同步。现为国内SCI期刊《物理学报》和Chinese Physics B”特聘审稿人,为国际SCI期刊Physical A、Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems等论文审稿人。广西数学学会理事,获2012年桂林理工大学“十佳优秀研究生指导教师”荣誉称号。

· 联系地址:广西,桂林市,桂林理工大学理学院 邮编:541004

· 联系电话:0773-5896179

· 电子邮址:jjjzzz0@163.com

· QQ号:68727470



1. 国家自然科学基金:复合聚类网络同步能力的尺度可变性及其粗粒化方法研究(61563013),主持,201601-201912。

2. 国家自然科学基金:复杂网络上的行为传播研究(61164020),主持,201201-201512。

3. 国家自然科学基金:复杂网络上传播同步分析及其应用(61004101),参与,201001-201212。

4. 国家自然科学基金:线性和部分线性模型的M估计研究(11061012),参与,201001-201212。

5. 广西自然科学基金,基于网络动态特性的复杂网络粗粒化算法及优化研究(2018GXNSFAA138095),主持,20180701-20210701。

6. 广西自然科学基金:复杂动力网络的多目标控制与同步研究(桂科自0991244),主持,200901-201112。

7. 统计理论在复杂网络特性分析中的应用研究,广西自然科学基金项目(2011GXNSFA018147),参与,201101-201312。

8. 基于空间数据信息的复杂时空网络模型与动力学研究,广西空间信息与测绘重点实验室建设项目(桂科能1103108-24)主持,201201-101312。

9. 工科数学实验教学内容与结构优化改革的研究与实践,新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程“十一五”第五批立项项目(2009C034),主持,2009-2010。










1. 运筹学原理与实验教程,主编,华中师大出版社,2008.

2. 概率统计,主编,冶金工业出版社,2005.(2006年获21世纪第二届广西高等学校优秀教材三等奖),

3. 概率论与数理统计,主编,湖南师范大学出版社,2013.



1. Zhen JiaLang Zeng,Ying-Ying Wang,PeiWang,Optimization algorithms for spectral coarse-graining of complex networks,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,15 January 2019, 514:925-935.(SCI收录)

2. Jia, Z (Jia, Zhen); Chen, HZ (Chen, Huazhou); Tu, LL (Tu, Lilan); Zeng, L (Zeng, Lang),Stability and feedback control for a coupled hematopoiesis nonlinear system,ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS,Article Number: 401,DOI: 10.1186/s13662-018-1838-x Published: OCT 29 2018.(SCI收录)

3. Chen, HZ (Chen, Huazhou); Feng, QX (Feng, Quanxi); Jia, Z (Jia, Zhen); Song, QQ (Song, Qiqing), Improvement of Partial Least Squares Modelling for Determination of Soil Nitrogen by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectrometry, Volume: 26 Issue: 15 Pages: 4839-4844 Part: A Published: AUG 2014, SCI收录)

4. Zhen Jia,Xinchu Fu, Guangming Deng, Kezan Li, Group synchronization in complex dynamicalnetworks with different types of oscillators and adaptive coupling schemes,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2013, 18:2752–2760.((SCI/EI收录)

5. Kezan Li,Zhongjun Ma,Zhen Jia, Michael Small and Xinchu Fu. Interplay betweencollective behavior and spreading dynamics on complex networks. Chaos 22,043113 (2012). (SCI收录)

6. Zhen Jia, GuangmingDeng, Robust Adaptive Generalized Projective Synchronization of Chaotic Systemswith Uncertain Disturbances, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2012, ArticleID 362765, 9 pages, 2012.(SCI收录)

7. Zhen Jia,GuangmingDeng, Mathematical Model and Cluster Synchronization for a Complex DynamicalNetwork with Two Types of Chaotic Oscillators, Journal of Applied Mathematics,vol. 2012, Article ID 595360, 12 pages, 2012.(SCI收录)

8. Zhen Jia, GuangmingDeng, Weight Identification of a Weighted Bipartite Graph Complex DynamicalNetwork with Coupling Delay, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume2010 (2010), Article ID 805178, 9 pages.(SCI收录)

9. Jia Zhen, Lu Junan, etal., Generalized projective synchronization of a class of chaotic(hyperchaotic) systems with uncertain parameters,Chinese Physics,2007,16(05):1246-1251.(SCI/EI收录)

10.Jia Zhen, Lineargeneralized synchronization of chaotic systems with uncertain parameters,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2008,19(4):779-784.(SCI收录)

11.Zhen Jia, Jun-an Lu,Generalizedprojective synchronization of a class of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems,Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Series B:Applications & Algorithms,2007,14(S6):223-226. (SCI收录)

12.Zhang Qun-jiao,Lu Jun-an,Jia zhen, Global Exponential Projective Synchronizationand lag Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Lv System. Communications inTheoretical Physics, 2009, 51(4): 679-683.(SCI收录).

13.Jia Zhen, Lu Junan,Deng Guangming, Hybrid projective synchronization of a class of uncertainchaotic (hyperchaotic) systems,数学杂志,2011,31(2): 275-283.

14.Zhen Jia, GuangmingDeng, Adaptive nonlinear generalized synchronization of chaotic systems withuncertain parameters, Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems, 2009,12(1):1-10.

15.贾贞,汪贺,王俊,李勇,基于自适应同步的二部图复杂动力网络的权值识别,控制理论与应用,2010,27(1): 107-110.(EI收录)



16.Zheng Lang,Jia Zhen*, Wang yingying, A new spectral coarse-graining algorithm based on K-means clustering in complex networks,Modern Physics Letters B,2018,1850421-12 pages. World Scientific Publishing Company DOI: 10.1142/S0217984918504213. (SCI收录)

17.Yong-Shang Long,Zhen Jia*, Ying-Ying Wang, Coarse graining method based on generalized degree in complex network, PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,505,1 September 2018,Pages 655-665.(SCI收录)

18.JiBin Gao,Zhen Jia*,Dynamics of Behavior Spreading Driven by Opinion Evolution: Modeling andSimulation,AppliedMechanics and Materials, 2015, vol.713-715: 2440-2446.(EI收录)


20.Chen Wenyu,JiaZhen*, Dynamic of behavior spread driven by information on weighted networks,International Industrial Informatics and Computer EngineeringConference (IIICEC 2015) pp249-255.(EI收录)

21.邓奇湘,贾贞*,谢梦舒,陈彦飞,基于有向网络的E-mail病毒传播模型及其震荡吸引子研究,物理学报,2013, 62 (2):020203. (SCI收录)

22.Yanfei Chen,ZhenJia*, Adaptive Synchronization of One-dimensional Discrete Chaotic Systemson Complex Networks, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vols. 321-324 (2013) pp1962-1966.(EI收录)

23.Yanfei Chen,ZhenJia*,Parameters identification and projective dislocated lag synchronizationof Liu chaotic system via adaptive control. International Journal of Researchand Reviews in Applied Sciences, 2012,12(1): 1-5.

24.Yanfei Chen,ZhenJia*,Hybrid Projective Dislocated Synchronization of Liu Chaotic SystemBased on Parameters Identification. Modern Applied Science, 2012, Vol. 6, No.2: 16-21.

25.Yanfei Chen,ZhenJia*, Guangming Deng. Adaptive Lag Synchronization of Lorenz Chaotic Systemwith Uncertain Parameters. Applied Mathematics, 2012, 3: 549-553.



28.唐小侠,贾贞*,董元元,股票交易中的人类动力学实证研究,桂林理工大学学报, 2012 , 32(01): 149-153.(中文核心)


30.Yong Li,Zhen Jia, Synchronization of Cubic Chaotic System, modern applied science,2010,4(9):135-141.

31.Yong Li,JiaZhen, Synchronization of Complex Networks with Multi-Links and Nodes withDifferent, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Scince.2011,2(1):16-22.

32.Xiao-kui Shen,ZhenJia, On the Existence Structure of One-dimensional Discrete ChaoticSystems, Journal of Mathematics Research, 2011,3.

33.王俊,贾贞,李勇,含可变感染率的SIRS模型在复杂网络上的传播分析.桂林理工大学学报,2011,31(1):160-163. ISSN:1674-9057.(中文核心)


35.李勇,贾贞,立方混沌系统的多种目标控制.华侨大学学报(自然科学版),2011, 32(4):381-384.(中文核心)

36.李勇,贾贞,王俊,汪贺,一个离散混沌系统的动力学性质.桂林理工大学学报,2010,30(2): 316-320. (中文核心)

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